Beacon- A signaling or guiding device

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Homeschool Co-Op

I'm happy to announce that starting Friday October 16th we will be starting a homeschooling Co-Op. We will meet every Friday afternoon (except holidays) at 2pm, the length of time is yet to be determind but it will not go past 4pm. We have a location to meet at and when its not available we will do a feild trip our meet at a different location. We are hoping to have parents and other vollenteers to help teach classes each week. If you would like information or would like to be added to the contact email list you can email me at or leave a message on the guest book.
Some ideas for classes are fire prevention, science, wood working, music, art, operation Christmas child/who and where are the people we are helping( 3 lessons),
and much more. I would LOVE to get some more ideas for classes and feild trips.
This is a great oppurtunity for home educated families spend some time learning in a group setting and to give parents a break from teaching one day a week! This is not only a chance for the adults to share knowledge and skills with the kids but mabye you have a teenager who has something to share with a group of students. We are open for volenteers and ideas!

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